Nepal Earthquake Relief
Idea & Future Village

Partnering with Future Village, the local NGO in Nepal, IDEA Foundation is launching a house-rebuilding project at Katunge region ward 9 after the major earthquake occurred on 24th April 2015. Over 100 villager houses were damaged during the earthquake. The project aims to assist villagers to build seismic resistance (up to 9 Richter magnitude) houses. We work closely with the locals and give them house construction trainings instead of building houses for them. We aim to rebuild the entire village through the collaboration of local manpower and craftsmanship.

The Nepalese need a new home and a new future; with your support they will have a new home sooner. Various fundraising events will be launched in the near future. Please stay tuned!


IDEA Foundation 現正聯同 未來之村 (尼泊爾當地慈善機構)進行一個為受尼泊爾大地震重創的Katunge第九區重建房屋的計劃,地震中有100多棟房屋被毀壞。本重建計劃將會包括籌募捐款及幫助村民興建防震(可抵禦黎克特制九級地震)住屋。同時以村民「協力造屋」為本的設計理念,揉合當地傳統建築工藝。村民可善用當地資源,在簡單指導下將可自行建設房屋。



Objectives 計劃目的

1. Shelters rebuildings
We target to assist 130 families in the whole Katugne village ward 9 to rebuild their home; to demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale local and volunteer driven reconstruction programme; to run a trial model which could be adopted by other local communities or future projects; and to fill the inadequacies in the existing emergency relief programmes directed by the government & large-scale NGOs.

2. Community reconnect
A good design does not just serve for its physical functions, such as construction of a basic rain shelter house and a community center. What’s more is that it brings HOPE. We hope that the participatory design reconstruction project can enable villagers to recognize their own abilities, restore their confidence, rebuild their lives, reconnect with their communities and regain hope after the disaster.

3. Global citizenship
Through active collaboration and participationin building homes with local villagers, volunteers can gain better understanding of the cultural differences and respectfor local knowledge; foster and engage in global citizenship; and create a more fair and diversified community.

4. Gender equality
Both men and women villagers can participate in the decision-making throughout the rebuild project. The new seismic resistance design allows not only male villagers but also female villagers to reassemble the house structure themselves, bringing alternatives tothe traditional roles of the two genders. It also enablesmen to understand more about women’s contribution to the family and community, establishing a more sustainable and equal relationship.


1. 重建災民家園

2. 加強社區互助

3. 貫徹「世界公民」連結各地年青專業人士及義工團,與村民合力重建家園,思索及貫徹「世界公民」理念,義工透過互動討論及與村民一起身體力行重建家園,深入了解文化差異及尊重本土知識,領悟及貫徹「世界公民」理念,創造更公平、多元的社會

4. 鼓勵兩性賦權讓男性和女性都能全面參與重建計劃的每一個決策過程,新式防震房屋設計能讓居民(包括女性)自行裝嵌,打破傳統的男女角色定位