Continuous Assessment
Meetings will be organized by IDEA and Future Village regularly to provide technical supports, as well as monitoring the program progression, financial status and locals participation.   IDEA團隊、未來之村及村民將定期進行會議,跟進及了解計劃進度、財政運用、協調技術支援及村民參與等事宜。

  • 25 steel frame houses and 2 stone houses are completed
  • 2 steel frame houses and 5 stone houses are under construction.

The project demonstrate the construction of anti-seismic houses construction, other villagers start to rebuilt their houses gradually by their effort.

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2 Stones Houses completed

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Steel-frame Houses completed

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Steel-frame Houses under construction

20180114 1020180114 11

Other villagers in the area started to rebuilt houses with their own effort

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Stone House under construction

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FV Class Resumed after the rebuilt of FV classrooms is completed

20170524 1

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20170106 1

20170106 2

20170106 3

20170106 4

20170106 5

After 6 months of preparation, 4 Hong Kong workshops, 14 days of service trip, 37 volunteers and OC, combined with the designs and ideas from Nepal kids on Hope and Future, the two new FV House classrooms were all renovated! We shared the joys with locals and kids in the celebration tea party.



  20170105 1

20170105 2

20170105 3

20170105 4

IDEA volunteers collaborated with the Nepal locals to set up the steel frame for anti-seismic rebuild houses and successfully assembled and erected a steel frame with the villagers in one and half day.



20170104 1

20170104 2

During the IDEA empowerment workshops, the kids built their own paper windmill to learn about wind power. They  also made their own clocks to learn about time.

20170104 3

20170104 4

20170104 5

20170104 6

IDEA'ers visited the families with different living conditions after the earthquake, collected information about the families’ status and their needs, in order to refine the project programme for future stages. They consulted the families currently living in the temporary shelters regarding the rebuild house design and identified possible areas of for improvement. 



20170103 1

20170103 2

IDEA'ers cleared the site and reused the bricks to build  temporary outdoor tables.

20170103 3

20170103 4

Together with our volunteers, Nepal kids designed the wall of FV House II. A colorful ribbon linked up the idea from Hong Kong with those from Nepal.  




Following the return of first team, second team of IDEA Nepal Service trip took over and headed to Future Village from Dahding Basi on 2nd Jan 2017.



fvwall group1

fvwall group2

After 5 days of hardwork from volunteers, FV House 1 renovation work was completed and ready for teachers and students to use! FV House 1 classroom features unique walls with different tools to aid teaching -

Wall of Nepal for kids to put their dreams on cards hanging on a wall with the map of Nepal
Wall of Nepal for kids to put their dreams on cards hanging on a wall with the map of Nepal

fvwall treeofhope
"Tree of Hope" for kids to pin their wishes on the tree. FV folder wall for learning alphabats and vocabularies.

fvwall mailbox
Bottle mailboxes for sending letters to the kids in FV

fvwall mailbox2
Nepal kids received letter from Hong Kong Primary school students and they  were very eager to reply the letters from far far away. Our volunteer Kiu had brought the letter back to Hong Kong and delivered the mail to the students!

fvwall memorialwallMemorial wall for showing the history and future of FV House






Everyday volunteers arranged empowerment workshops for kids to create handcrafts which were used to decorate the FV classroom. The kids were so excited to see their handcrafts on the wall of the classroom. We hope local empowerment on the kids would raise their sense of belongings and their willingness to go to school.



trip1 familyvisit

Volunteers had conducted family visits for different families in Katunge Ward 9. The visit aims at collecting information from families who had their steel frame house rebuilt, and those who are still living in their temporary shelters. The villagers' feedback on rebuilding progress, financing and the improvement in living conditions had given us valuable information for project assessment.


 steelframe discuss

Meanwhile, another team of volunteers engaged with the local villagers on the construction of the next batch of steel frame houses.

steelframe discuss2



trip1 arrival
The first team of IDEA Nepal Service trip arrived Future Village on the Christmas Day. For the coming 6 days, the team will start doing the renovation of the FV House 1. The ground floor of the building will be served as classroom and the first floor will be the living room of the visiting volunteers.


We are delighted to announce that the first 5 houses have been completed after 3 months of constructions. Christie, founder of Future Village, and Sarah, volunteer, had undergo a consultation with the villagers regarding on the new houses design and the arrangement of the second batch of house-rebuilding. We will keep you posted with the details.



On dated of 12/01/2016 the load of steels has been entered from Nepal border by 5 lorries with 5 labors each. The loads were come through Trishuli Bazar to Future Village. Finally, all steel frames reached.


The Nepalese need a new home and a new future; with your support they will have a new home sooner. Various fundraising events will be launched in the near future. Please stay tuned!






2018.04.19 updated 更新
Houses for 25 special families in needs and 2 classrooms with funding from the project are completed
Houses for 7 special families in needs (funded by the project) are in progress
7個特殊家庭住所 (由本計劃資助) 正興建中
60 families inspired by the project (self-funded)